Therapy for Self Esteem

Self-esteem issues among 20- and 30-somethings are widespread and on the rise.

This image is of a woman giving herself a hug. This image could depict someone who is working with therapy for self esteem in washington, DC. Get connected with a self esteem therapist to learn to boost self esteem. | 20001 | 20003 | 20005 |

Are you sick and tired of not feeling good enough?

You’re far removed from your days on the playground, but you may still be struggling with a new kind of bully – the one in your head. If your inner monologue sounds a lot like a review that would earn something like 27% on Rotten Tomatoes, you’re not alone.

We are bombarded with messaging around how things should look in every aspect of our lives – everything from where and how we live, to our relationships and our bodies. We are surrounded by messages that lead us into “compare-to-despair” patterns, in which ​​are constantly assessing our achievements and self-worth based on the input of others. Social media is just one of many profound influences on how we view ourselves and others, causing us to compare the ups and downs of our own lives to the highlight reels of others that we see on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. 

No wonder it’s so hard to feel like we measure up!

This is an image of a young woman thinking hard. This image could depict someone who is needing therapy for self esteem in washington, DC and searching "how to boost self esteem.". Start confidence coaching in Washington, DC. 20007 | 20008 | 20009 |

The Inner and Outer Signs of Low Self-Esteem

When you suffer from low self-esteem, it can permeate your inner thoughts and feelings by:

  • Constant negative self-talk and being overly critical of yourself 

  • Being highly attuned to and magnifying negative criticism from others

  • Discounting your accomplishments, while fixating on how others are faring better than you are 

  • Patterns of perfectionism or getting stuck in all-or-nothing or black-and-white thinking

  • Chronically experiencing emotions such as sadness, anxiety, depression, anger, shame, or worthlessness

  • Developing an unhealthy attachment to your unforgiving inner critic

But low self-esteem also reveals itself outwardly, in our relationships and behaviors, when you: 

Are You Ready to Improve Your Relationship with Yourself?

This is an image of a guy smiling. This image could depict someone who did confidence coaching or therapy for self esteem in washington, DC. Get connected with a self esteem therapist if you want know how to boost self esteem. | 20001 | 20003 | 20005

Therapy for self-esteem can be a gateway into the mind and the negative thoughts and beliefs it holds. If you struggle with low self-esteem, our self-esteem therapists at The Sterling Group will provide a safe space in which you can learn to understand, challenge, and replace the stinkin’ thinkin’ that leads to a lack of confidence and low self-worth. 

Therapy can help you work through the blocks that have kept your inner bully so strong for so long and, over time, begin to replace a self-identity with one that is fair and more loving and kind. You will learn acceptance and self-compassion, among the strongest antidotes for low self-esteem, to improve your relationship with yourself. 

The ability to create a blueprint and to learn to be accountable to yourself forms the early foundation of your growing belief in you. Goal-setting is an integral part of the therapeutic process, and we will create an individualized plan with you that is centered around achieving goals to build healthy self-esteem.

The Sterling Group’s Approach to Building Self-Esteem

Image of young women laughing together. This image could depict a group of friends that have done confidence coaching in Washington, DC. Start with a self esteem therapist if you're searching "how to boost self esteem." 20001 | 20003 | 20005 |

Our therapists understand what it’s like to be a young adult in a world that overwhelms us with messages about our “not-enoughness” or inadequacy. We have worked with countless clients struggling with pervasive low self-esteem issues to improve their sense of self by setting goals, finding strengths, and building internal resources. Using practical thought-challenging interventions in a safe space that fosters emotional growth, we will help you unpack your negative thoughts and beliefs and repair your inner relationship. 

Our team uses the latest evidence-based approaches to treat issues around self-worth, primarily using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to address them. You will also learn practical mindfulness skills as a way of tuning into your thoughts and feelings, to learn how to challenge them in real-time to improve your mood and sense of well-being. 

We strive to educate you around the inner workings of your thoughts and feelings as they relate to your self-worth. The result is a better understanding of yourself, renewed self-confidence, and a greater sense of control over your life. By healing the underpinnings of low self-esteem, you will develop a healthier sense of self. 

Start Therapy for Self-Esteem in Washington, DC

Whether you’re going through a big life transition, or you are wanting better self-esteem in general, The Sterling Group is here to help. Transitioning into young adulthood is hard, and it’s even harder when you have low self-esteem and struggle to make decisions. You don’t have to do this alone. Get started with therapy for self-esteem today, with these steps:

  1. Schedule a consultation using our contact form.

  2. Check out our team of self-esteem therapists to see who would work best with you.

  3. Start making the best decisions for yourself with confidence!

Other Services at The Sterling Group

Transitioning into young adulthood is difficult. There are so many decisions to be made that seem like the biggest deals ever. They aren’t, and we’re here to help you recognize that. Whether you’re going through life transitions, navigating relationships, coping with depression symptoms, or trying to handle anxiety, we can help with it all. We also specialize in ADHD and executive function support, trauma therapy, and therapy for self-discovery, as well as EMDR Therapy and IFS Therapy. For those in relationships, we offer guided couples therapy to improve your bond. We would love to have you get started. Reach out to us at our Washington, DC office or for Online Therapy in Virginia!