Struggling with Body Image Heading Into Summer? You’re Not Alone!

Photo of girls taking photos at the park representing the way self esteem therapy can help you build self confidence. Reach out to one of our young adult therapists in Washington, DC.

Summer is the season of fun in the sun, barbecues, spending time at the pool, and vacations. Unfortunately for many young adults, the pressure to shed our winter layers can bring on challenges with body image. Many young adults report experiencing anxiety and feelings of dread due to concerns about their bodies during the summer months. With messages about getting the best “bikini body” or preparing for “hot girl summer”, the pressures to look a certain way are relentless. Thankfully there are some effective ways to cope with these challenges all summer long.

1) Wear Clothes That Fit and Make You Feel Good About Yourself

Your clothes are supposed to fit your body and be comfortable, not the other way around! You do not have to change the size of your body in order to fit into your clothes. If you go clothes shopping, it can be helpful to pick a few sizes up to try on and work down to the item that fits you best.

When we wear clothes that don’t fit or are too tight, it can cause us to hyper-fixate on how we look and feel in the clothes, which can fuel negative thoughts and feelings about our body. Wearing clothes that fit well can allow you to be more present and confident in the moment! And remember: ALL bodies are summer bodies, no matter the shape or size!

2) Be Mindful of Your Social Media Use

Between the news, Instagram, and TikTok, you may feel bombarded with unrealistic images and messages about what your body “should” look like for summer. It can be so easy to compare your body, your experiences, and your lifestyle to the filtered images that people post online.

If you find yourself constantly comparing your body to those you follow online, or if you feel drained after your time scrolling, try identifying this content and unfollowing these accounts. Instead of following these accounts, try following people that promote body neutrality or body positivity to find inspiration and support. 

3) Practice Self-Care

Photo of a woman putting on roller skates representing how a self esteem therapist can help you with your body image. We offer self esteem therapy in Washington DC.

Rather than focusing on changing your body, shift your focus to doing nice things for your body to show you appreciate it. With longer days and nicer weather, summer can be the perfect time to revamp your self-care routine.

Even small changes to your routine can improve your mood. The more connected you feel to your body by doing something nice for it or by engaging in intuitive eating and movement, the better you’re likely to feel about yourself and your body. 

4) Challenge How You Talk About Your Body

How do you talk about your body? What are the ways in which you are critical about how you look? Negative self-talk can be difficult to manage. You would never say these things to a friend or family member, but they happen automatically in your head!

Instead of taking on the daunting task of trying to get rid of these negative thoughts, practice noticing them and challenging these thoughts in order to allow new ways of thinking in. Imagine if your friend shared these negative thoughts with you, how would you respond? Practice responding to these thoughts with the same kindness and compassion you would share with a friend.

Another way to respond to negative thoughts about your body is to reframe these thoughts with more neutral statements. If you find yourself thinking “I hate the way I look in this outfit”, try reframing it by saying “Even though I don’t love what I see in the mirror, I choose to treat my body with respect and kindness”. Reframing these thoughts may seem foreign at first but the more you practice, the easier it will be to cope.

5) Focus on What is Important to You

Amid all the pressures to have the “perfect body” or the “perfect summer vacation,” it can be really difficult to prioritize the things that are most important to you. Take some time to reflect and think about what you want to remember most about the summer. Make a summer bucket list and challenge yourself to do these things one activity at a time! The time spent trying new things, going on adventures, and hanging out with family and friends will be much more memorable that the time you may have spent focusing on how your body looks. 

You can practice these tips as often as you need, and if you still struggle with body image or occasionally feel down on yourself, that is okay. You are human! And you are still deserving of kindness and compassion. Improving the way you feel about your body is a journey and the more practice you have with body neutrality, the easier it will become.

Photo of friends at beach representing how a therapist for young adults can help you with your body image. Our therapists specialize in therapy for young adults in Washington, DC

Reach Out to a Self Esteem Therapist in Washington, DC

Navigating body image is a challenging process, but you are not alone. If you feel like you need more professional support, please reach out to The Sterling Group for an initial consultation today. We have therapists on our team that specialize in therapy for self esteem. Together we can build the skills necessary to build a healthier relationship between yourself and your body.

If you’re interested in starting therapy to boost your self esteem, follow these steps:

  1. Contact us to schedule your initial consultation

  2. Meet with one of the experienced therapists on our team

  3. Learn how to accept your body and build self confidence

Additional Services Offered at The Sterling Group

Our therapists understand that many young adults deal with more than one mental health concern. We offer a range of services to help support our clients through the many challenges that they may be facing. If you are struggling with anxiety or difficulties setting boundaries, our therapists can help. We also offer trauma therapy along with support through life transitions. You don’t have to face every challenge on your own. Our therapists are here to guide and empower you. If you have any questions about how we can support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


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